Digital payments
Economic GD Topics

Digital payments in India

The evolution of digital payments in India:-
  • India is a massive cash dependent economy with a 13% cash-to-GDP ratio to the global average of 2.5 to 8%. This invites many illegal transactions and black money within the system. The government
engineers in disaster management
General GD Topics Environment GD Topics

Role of engineers in disaster management

Theme :-
  • In the incidences of natural disasters, proper planning and mindful execution of technical support can reduce the substantial fall. With a strong engineer team, we can reduce the intensity of destruction and save thousands of lives.
Roles of…
Mba rat race
General GD Topics Education GD Topics

Is MBA a rat race?

Background :-
  • The MBA degree, Master of Business Administration originated in the United States in the twentieth century and has been the current craze of students in the present years. As the course welcomes students from every stream of academic,
us mexico wall
Political GD Topics International GD Topics

US-Mexico border wall – Good or Bad?

  • The US and Mexico share a border of 1900 miles which includes uninhabited desert, major cities, and the Rio Grande River. However, about 700 miles is already covered with fences, concrete barricades, gunboats, drones, SUV’s.
  • Trump began his presidential
indian banking challenges
Current Affairs GD Topics Economic GD Topics

Challenges to Indian Banking sector

Emerging challenges:-
  • Asset quality is under tremendous pressure due to continued economic slowdown and increase in the rise of the levels of Gross nonperforming advances and NPA’s.
  • One of the major problems is Large Over dues of farmers in small