Economic GD Topics

Farm loan waivers – Good or Bad?

Theme :-
  • It’s elections time, and every political party is promising farm loan waiver scheme.
  • Agricultural debt waiver scheme was first implemented in 1990. Then, Rs.10,000 crore worth farm loans were waived off. From then loan waivers are implemented multiple
paper ballot
Political GD Topics

Should Paper ballot system be restored?

Theme :-
  • There is a widespread demand from opposition parties to replace Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) system with paper ballot system to prevent EVM tampering.
What is Paper ballot system :-
  • In paper ballot system, voters mark their choice on
Social GD Topics

Why is Norway the world’s happiest country?

Theme :-
  • World’s Happiness Report, 2017 has named Norway as the world’s happiest nation. In 2018’s report, Norway secured second space after Finland.
  • India’s rank in World’s Happiness Report 2018 is 133. By analysing the society of happiest countries, we
startup (2)
Current Affairs GD Topics General GD Topics

Why are many startups failing in India?

Reasons :-
  • Many startups are giving unrealistic discounts to attract customers. This leads to more investment with low profits. Such kind of startups will more likely to run into losses, which results in shutting down.
  • Many entrepreneurs are imitating successful
Ethical GD Topics General GD Topics

Should the Internet be censored?

In Favor:-
  • Even though the internet is giving access to information to all for free, it is increasingly turning into a breeding ground for violent behaviour. Criminals are spreading hate content and impacting innocent youth.
  • Sexually explicit content on the