Economic GD Topics

Is FDI good for India?

What is FDI :- 
  • FDI ( Foreign Direct Investment ) is the investment by a foreign companies in domestic companies.
  • The host company and the company that is investing together form a ‘multinational corporation’ (MNC).
  • Through FDI the investing company 
generation gap
Social GD Topics General GD Topics

Generation Gap

What is generation gap :-
  • Generation gap is a term referring to differences between younger generation and their elders. Especially it is the difference between parents and children regarding culture, fashion and dressing etc.
Reasons :-
  • The main reason is
e-waste gd topic
Environment GD Topics General GD Topics

E-waste management

Background :-
  • Discarded electrical or electronic devices are called as ‘e-waste (Electronic waste)’.
  • E-waste is also called as e-scrap, or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
  • The electronic industry is the world’s largest and fastest growing manufacturing industry and so
relevance of gandhi
General GD Topics

Relevance of Gandhi in modern world.

The need for Gandhi’s influence on present society :-
  • In modern world violence is increasing rapidly.
  • Nuclear weapons and terrorism are becoming common in this modern world.
  • So many people are getting more and more divided into national, religious and
social networking sites - boon or bane
General GD Topics Social GD Topics

Social networking sites – Boon or Bane?

What is a Social networking site:
  • Social networking sites (SNS) are online platforms where people can meet other people and can make friendships. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are a few examples of SNS.
  • Social networking was started on the internet in