Social GD Topics

Are we serious about saving Wildlife and Environment?

Things that are worrying :-
  • Pollution.
  • Deforestation.
  • Dumping industrial wastage in water leading to water pollution.
  • Almost everyone know how to protect environment. But only some of them are practically following.
  • Increased plastic usage.
  • Hunting.
  • Reduction of resources because of
General GD Topics

Is dependence on computers a good thing?

In Favor:-
  • Digital devices are reducing our work load.
  • Productivity is increased.
  • It is enhancing learning through e-learning.
  • We are sharing innovations between countries. The world has developed faster because of computers.
  • Computers save a lot of time and money.
internet - boon or bane
General GD Topics

Internet – boon or bane?

Why the Internet is a boon:
  • The Internet made our lives easier. Now, we are watching movies online, ordering food online, paying bills online, buying things online, studying online and doing many other things, which weren’t possible before the invention
right to vote for illiterates
Political GD Topics Ethical GD Topics

Voting rights to illiterates – illogical?

In Favor :-
  • Illiterate people can easily mislead by some politicians, who pay for the vote.
  • Illiterate people have more chances to be mislead by the false promises given by some political leaders.
  • Few illiterate people don’t know about voting,
Economic GD Topics

Should agricultural subsidies be stopped?

  • Agricultural subsidies are the financial assistance to farmers through government-sponsored price-support programs.
  • Agricultural subsidies are started to reduce the volatility of prices for farm products and to increase, or at least stabilize, farm income.
In Favor:-
  • It’s becoming