Social GD Topics Ethical GD Topics General GD Topics

Brain drain has to be stopped

What is brain drain?:
  • ‘Brain drain‘ or ‘Human capital flight‘ means settling in a foreign country. It can be simply defined as the mass emigration of technically skilled people from one country to another country.
  • Brain drain happens due to
General GD Topics

Role of UN in Peace keeping.

  • The United Nations is an international Non-governmental organization founded on 24 October 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living
Social GD Topics General GD Topics

What can we do to eradicate poverty?

  • In 1991, there are 150 million Indians who claim themselves to be of the poor. In 2001, the number rises up to 230 million Indians.
  • According to UNICEF “Every 3.6 seconds one person dies of starvation”.
  • In India if
Economic GD Topics

Can Trade help the poor?

  • Exchange of goods and services is called as ‘Trade’.
  • In ancient days, goods were exchanged directly. Later money is being used as medium of exchange.
  • ‘Free trade’ refers to a general openness to exchange goods, labor and information between
age and youth
General GD Topics

Age and Youth: Experience And Young Talent

In Favor to Age:-
  •  They have more practical knowledge rather than bookish knowledge.
  • Aged people have more patience than youth. Most of the young people easily get bored by some routine work in organization.
  • Most of the violent activities are