Niti aayog
Political GD Topics

Is ‘NITI Ayog’ a success?

What is Niti Aayog :
  • NITI ( National Institute for transforming India ) was announced by the Union government on 1st January 2015. A resolution was passed by the parliament to replace the Planning Commission of India with NITI Aayog.
Artificial intelligence (2)
General GD Topics Economic GD Topics Technology GD Topics

Will artificial intelligence take away jobs?

  • Artificial Intelligence is mainly feeding the raw inputs and the corresponding outcome into a system. The role of this automated device is to come up with an optimistic algorithm to reach that particular output with the given data input
Coaching centers
Education GD Topics General GD Topics

Is there a need to curb the mushrooming of private coaching institutes?

Intro :- In India, the craze for the admissions in the good reputed engineering and medical colleges has made the competition so tough that it made parents do anything for that. With the growing competition, parents want their children to…
iindia Ctbt
General GD Topics

Should India sign CTBT & NPT ?

  • CTBT (Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty) is a global initiative which bans the use of any sort of nuclear weapon testing. It strongly promotes the concept of disarmament and safeguards the complete peace and harmony of the planet. With
Light pollution
Environment GD Topics General GD Topics

Light pollution – A new threat

What is Light pollution :- Light pollution or photo pollution is defined as the excessive use of artificial outdoor lightning.  This phenomenon affects the nighttime sky, disturbs the life process of many organisms, decreases the visibility at night, it has…