Climate change
Environment GD Topics Current Affairs GD Topics

Should both developed and underdeveloped countries have equal binding in combating climate change?

  • Global Warming is termed as a global problem which emphasises that each and every nation on this planet is equally responsible for resolving the deteriorating condition of the earth. This means that the developing countries must hold uniform equity
Job vs entrepreneurship
Social GD Topics General GD Topics

Job vs Entrepreneurship

Theme: With the increasing number of career choices in front of students, there is often confusion among the students to choose the right career. After the launch of the “Startup India – Standup India” program by our government, people are…
Economic GD Topics

The key to India’s prosperity is Agriculture

Background :-
  • India is the2nd largest country with arable land ( 3 percent of land is agriculture land) after USA.
  • India has variety of climates and ecological factor to support the growth of various crops.
Importance of Agriculture for India’s…
General GD Topics Environment GD Topics Social GD Topics

Indiscriminate Tourism will lead to environmental damage

In Favor :-
  • Tourism puts pressure on natural resources of the place like water, food supply, beaches and coral reeves.
  • Due to increased effort on providing good facilities to tourists, it has increased a pressure on many other resources such
Red abstract topic
Abstract GD Topics

Red – Abstract GD Topic

In this post, we will be posting as many ideas on Red that can be used as leads in a discussion. Depending on the consensus of the group, pick up one idea for a discussion or go on discussing the…