city vs village gd topic
General GD Topics Social GD Topics

City vs Village

City Life:- Advantages of City Life:-
  • City life has an advanced and well-equipped environment. People migrate to cities because of better job opportunities, stability and a decent income which is still a dream in villages.
  • Cities have a vast number
phone in college
General GD Topics Social GD Topics

Should mobile phones be allowed in schools & colleges?

Yes :-
  • Mobile phones are extremely potent tools and can be utilized to a great extent in teaching at colleges.
  • This is especially significant for the colleges that cannot afford modern facilities.
    • The idea is that of “Powerful Computers in
tourism india
General GD Topics Economic GD Topics Social GD Topics

How can tourism be improved?

Present situation of tourism sector in India:-
  • In the recent reports of 2017, India ranked first among the Top 10 Best countries to visit in the world with Scotland and Canada net in the list. Taj Mahal, City Palace, Qutb
World economy dependance on India growth
Economic GD Topics General GD Topics

Can the world economy bank upon India for growth?

Background :-
  • The exchange of international goods in monetary terms is called the world economy.
  • India is the sixth largest economy according to nominal GDP and third largest according to purchasing power party (PPP).
Yes :-
  • With the tag of
right to privacy
General GD Topics Ethical GD Topics

Should ‘Right to Privacy’ have limits?

  • Right to privacy refers to the concept that one’s personal information needs protected from public scrutiny.
  • The right to privacy is intrinsic to life and liberty and comes under Article 21.
  • On August 24, 2017 Supreme Court declares that