brics in world economy
Current Affairs GD Topics Political GD Topics

Significance of BRICS in world economy

What is BRICS :-
  • BRICS is the acronym for five fastest growing nations of the world, namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
  • It was formed to encourage cultural, commercial and political operation among BRICS nations.
  • It was called 
Technology income inequality
General GD Topics Social GD Topics Technology GD Topics

Is Technology creating income inequalities?

  • Technology is seeing exponential growth in recent times. It has taken over various aspects of human day-to-day jobs as well as other factors. Now the question that persists is that is this technology reaching out to every individual equally?
Political GD Topics International GD Topics

India-China relations post Doklam issue

What is the Doklam Standoff? To understand about Doklam issue, we need to understand few more things.
  • India-China Border :
    • It can be divided into three parts:
      • Western Sector: 2,510 km
      • Middle Sector: 625 km
      • Eastern Sector: 1140 km
    • The
sports India
General GD Topics

Status of sports in India

Why India is performing poorly in sports :-
  • No proper governing of Administrative issues is the prime concern with Indian sports.
  • Non-Involvement of ex-sportsman in administrative staff.
  • Lack of sporting infrastructure.
  • Poor facilities by government.
  • Lack of job security of
should beauty pageants be banned
General GD Topics Social GD Topics

Should Beauty pageants be banned?

  • First-ever beauty pageant in America was conducted in 1854 by entrepreneur Phineas Taylor Barnum. After this, so many beauty events were conducted worldwide. With time, it became an industry in itself and a lot of techniques are used to