General GD Topics Social GD Topics

Is it time to replace Mahatma Gandhi’s picture on Indian currency notes?

Against :-
  • Mahatma Gandhi is India’s Father of the Nation. So, it’s perfectly right to give him the honor by placing his portrait on currency notes.
  • Mahatma Gandhi contributed a lot to the India’s freedom struggle and has played a
brain gain
Social GD Topics General GD Topics

Can India turn ‘Brain Drain’ into ‘Brain Gain’?

Theme :-
  • 9th January is celebrated as ‘Pravas Bharatiya Diwas’ every year.
What is Brain Drain :-
  • ‘Brain Drain‘ is the Nation’s loss of highly skilled professionals through emigration to developed countries.
What is Brain Gain :-
  • ‘Brain Gain‘ is
Political GD Topics International GD Topics

Is China a threat to India?

In Favor :-
  • India is importing Chinese goods in large amounts. These products are cheaper than Indian ones, which is a threat to Indian manufacturers.
  • China-Pakistan Economic corridor passes through India’s territory, without the permission of India.
  • China is maintaining
Education GD Topics

Technology changing the face of education

Background :-
  • In the past few years, we witnessed a major change in the world with the advancement of technology. Education sector is no exception to this.
  • The way children are taught and the way of interaction between students and
Current Affairs GD Topics General GD Topics Political GD Topics

Unique identification number for every Indian

  • The idea behind the unique identification number was to assign each individual a unique 12 digit number which will help to identify the individual uniquely.
  • The objective was to attach all the biometric and demographic data of an individual