Political GD Topics

Should there be a retirement age for politicians in India?

In Favor :-
  • People’s representatives should be fit physically as well as psychologically.
  • Senior politicians should give chance to young politicians. So that fresh ideas and plans can be implemented.
  • Politics involve a lot of travelling. One cannot rule the
General GD Topics Technology GD Topics

Free WiFi Spots – Beneficial or not?

In Favor :-
  • Free WiFi spots help ‘Digital India‘ Scheme. These spots can encourage the usage of internet.
  • This will help students and unemployed, who is in need of internet access but cannot afford it.
  • Free WiFi at railway stations
Student suicides
Education GD Topics Social GD Topics

Student Suicides – What are the deep rooted problems?

Causes of student suicides :-
  • What is causing them to suicide –
    • Pressure in studies.
    • Family problems
    • Physical & mental Illnesses.
    • Drug addiction.
    • Love failures.
    • Financial problems.
    • Failure in exams.
    • Unemployment.
    • Unable to adjust to the college’s culture.
    • Self-deprecating.
    • Depression.
Economic GD Topics General GD Topics

Will E-commerce dominate physical stores?

In Favor :-
  • Growth of E-commerce is much faster than growth of sales in physical stores in retail sector.
  • Online shopping is very convenient and time saving for consumers, because products will be delivered at our homes.
  • E-commerce platforms are
Political GD Topics

Parliamentary System vs Presidential System

Background :-
  • In general, there are two types of democratic governments. They are ‘parliamentary form of government‘ and ‘presidential form of government‘.
  • To understand these types of government, first of all you need to know about three main organs of