Points to speak on ‘Time poverty’:

  • These days, many people are complaining about not having enough time. They are facing time poverty and as a consequence, stress levels are increasing.
  • Poor people are more likely to face time poverty than others because they can’t hire people for providing services. For example, hiring a house help will save some time, but poor people cannot afford those services. Women face more time poverty than men in general because most of the unrecognized work such as house chores, and taking care of children & elderly mostly falls on women due to societal norms. Some women even have to walk long distances to collect water and firewood for family needs. As a result, many women are not able to join the workforce even if they want to.
  • In general, poor people have to work every day to meet basic needs. This results in time poverty. Even if they want to improve their economic condition, it is difficult for them to learn new skills due to not having enough free time.
  • New innovations same so much time, but not everyone can afford them. For example, robot vacuums save plenty of time. People who can’t afford them have to sweep and mop, which can take a significant amount of time in their day.
  • The pandemic forced many to work from home. This resulted in 24/7 availability for many employees, which deprived them of enough free time.
  • During the pandemic, doctors had to work for longer hours and many doctors faced burnout due to not having enough time to rest and take care of themselves.
  • Increasing technology addiction is causing many people time-poor.
  • Parents with young kids, especially those with no help often face time poverty.
  • Time poverty often causes self-neglect. As a result, most people who are time-poor neglect their physical and mental health. It can lead to mental health issues such as anxiety issues, depression etc.
  • There are fewer women in the workforce and politics due to time poverty. As a result, the needs of the average woman are not addressed as much as required in government policies.
  • This problem has created many businesses. For example, home delivery services, and telemedicine services are increasing at a rapid rate.
Also Read :  Media is a mixed blessing


Time poverty often causes self-neglect. As a result, most people who are time-poor neglect their physical and mental health. It can lead to mental health issues such as anxiety issues, depression etc.

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Photo by Karolina Grabowska


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  • malathi, Jun 26, 2022 @ 5:59 pm Reply

    in my point of view there should be some relaxation to have innovative ideas. Continuous work stress will lead to quality less production . Due to time poverty critical thinking is impossible and the human beings will lead a mechanical life without any enjoyments. there should be a stress free life and some relaxations from the routine.

    • Team GD Ideas, Jun 29, 2022 @ 10:12 am Reply

      very true Malathi.

  • Tapaswini Nayak, Jun 24, 2022 @ 4:09 pm Reply

    Time poverty has positive impact on country’s economic prosperity. The more the people are time poor, the more they are busy in life and the the better living standard they are having.. So not only it has negative impact, but also it has positive impact.

    • Team GD Ideas, Jun 24, 2022 @ 8:24 pm Reply

      That’s an interesting point Tapaswini. 👍

  • Steve Raphael Pulikottil, Jun 23, 2022 @ 9:38 am Reply

    Please don’t make it too female-biased content; there should also be sufficient general material besides the feminine perspective please.

    • Team GD Ideas, Jun 23, 2022 @ 10:27 am Reply

      Thank you for the feedback. We’ll keep that in mind.

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