Present situation in India :-

  • UNESCO’s report, 2018 predicts that India will have intensified water crisis by 2050.
  • Atleast 140 districts in India are facing severe water scarcity as of May 2018.
  • In India, if a person has no drinking water available within 500 meters, he/she has no access to drinking water. 22% villages in India come under this category.
  • According to Central Pollution Control Board, 275 rivers of India are polluted.
  • In India, high population is causing the water scarcity situation even more scarier.
  • Many people are dying due to water-borne diseases.

Causes :-

  • From a long time, we are using water from rivers and lakes beyond it’s ability to replenish. We are using ground water too without any restrictions.
  • In many places of India, especially in cities land is covered with concrete. There is no much available place to let the rain water sink into the land. This is the reason there is no ground water in many places that had abundant ground water erstwhile.
  • Many industries are polluting rivers by dumping all the chemical and solid wastes into them.
  • For religious reasons, many people throw flowers, coins, dead bodies etc into the rivers. This is lessening the depth of rivers and thereby reduces the water holding capacity.

What needs to be done :-

  • Soak pits should be made compulsory for all homes and other buildings. This will result in the abundant availability of ground water. Analysts says that even if we store 1/3rd of the rainfall India receives, that water will be enough for agricultural water needs in entire India. India is storing only 6% of rain water that it is receiving.
  • In places where there is water shortage, government should encourage farmers to grow crops that require less water instead of water-intensive crops.
  • More number of sewage water recycle plants should be established.
  • People needs to be encouraged to use rain water harvesting methods and to take small steps to reuse the water, like for example water that was used to clean vegetables can be used to water the plants. These kind of small steps will save a lot of water.
  • Those who run industries should take responsibility for the wastes industries are generating. Government should close industries that pollute rivers.
  • Many industries require large amounts of water. Government should encourage industries to work towards using water-less technologies.
  • There is a need to invest more in the research to transform sea water into usable water.
  • Villages and communities should take responsibility for the lakes that belong to their areas, and people need to take care of those water resources and should protect them from being polluted or drying up.
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Conclusion :-

India has a good number of rivers, lakes and also gets sufficient rainfall. But the only problem is that there is no proper usage of the resources. When government and people together take serious action, we will not suffer from water scarcity in future.

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  • NITIN KESHARWANI, Mar 26, 2021 @ 3:45 pm Reply

    During washing of clothes, dishes,etc. water is wasted, if we reuse the used water(we get after washing clothes,dishes,etc.) in toilets, we will save water nearly 1 bucket per person everyday. Apart from this rain water harvesting is also helpful to recharge the ground water level, hence government has to make provisions such as giving building permissions only to those who have already selected area for the construction of rain water harvesting in his building drawings, made it compulsory for builders to construct proper harvesting for saving water. We know that 22nd march is celebrated every year as WORLD WATER DAY, this day is also utilized to make people aware about water crisis around the world, so by looking at several data about the drought prone area we have to realize and take appropriate measures for saving water.

  • Ruhi, Jan 18, 2021 @ 10:18 am Reply

    We can’t think of life without water. Water is basic necessity of life. According to UNESCO report we face water scarcity everywhere by 2050. We are blindly using our water resources without thinking of future. We have polluted rivers through dead bodies, garbage and plastic throwing. We have opened industries near river and continuously throwing industrial waste into river. We are not conserving rainwater enough. In India, almost 140 district has been suffering from water scarcity. The day is not far when we will not get water in 500m area. This is the time we must be concerned of our future. We should invent new way to irrigation in which less water is used. The way to convert sea water into usable water will also be a good step. Every house should have a rain harvesting place. So, that water can be used for irrigation and other household purposes. Govt. and people all have to work together to get over of this problem.

  • Shivam Asthana, Dec 11, 2020 @ 7:54 pm Reply

    Human life is not possible without water. Water is the source of life but we humans fail to recognize it’s importance.
    Earth is covered by 71% of water and 29% of land. But only 2.5% is fresh water most of it is trapped in glaciers and snowfields. Only 0.007% water is drinkable . Out of all water available on the earth.
    Drinkable water is a scarce resources. We can save water with simple solution. We should fix water leakages. We can save a lot of precious water by doing this.
    Instead of a bathroom shower we can use bucket and mug. We should not keep the top runing while brushing teeth.

  • Shivansh Saxena, Aug 26, 2019 @ 10:07 am Reply

    Indian govt is running several plan to clear river like namami gange program which in turn help in reducing the water scarcity in India but we didn’t understand this and by saying Ganga hamari maa hai it does not work we havr to protect all this

  • Tinku paul, Sep 4, 2018 @ 7:25 am Reply

    According to me UNESCO report 2018 predicted that by 2050 we have face severe water crisis if we will not think seriously then we have suffer a lot. Sea level will increase and ground water level decrease. In India several rivers and lakes are there and we get sufficient rainfall but there is no proper system to preserve it. In city area high rise buildings are increasing and there is no restriction to take water from ground. Most of the rives are getting polluted because of from industry they throw their solid waste and chemical and people for religious purpose throw flower etc as a result lesser capacity to hold rain water. Govt has to set up a more recycling plant and insist farmers those areas water shortage they have grow crops to less water.Secondly if researchers research sea water recycle into usable water. Water means life. Without water we cannot alive ,so Government and common people has to take care of ourselves problem.

  • P. Kolandasamy, Puducherry, Jul 8, 2018 @ 7:58 am Reply

    Water is the essential natural resource for living. Rain is the main source of water. Rain water harvesting is need of the hour. We should not waste/ pollute water.

  • Abhishek trivedi, May 13, 2018 @ 10:02 am Reply

    Rain water harvesting , rooftop water storage can ease the menace of water scarcity upto some extent . increaing salary for MLA wont pave way govt should spent over technology and startup to store and make water for drinnking

  • P. Kolandasamy, Puducherry, May 11, 2018 @ 8:27 pm Reply

    Water is a natural resource but people contaminate it; it is like killing mother. Proper use, recycling and harvesing methods are important. Necessary awareness to be imparted; penalty to be imposed

  • Sakshi Shrivastava, May 8, 2018 @ 1:08 pm Reply

    Water scarcity in India

    Apart from these causes given above ,one of the major reason is that as India is a religious place and the rivers are worshiped there is nothing wrong in worshipping but putting statues of god, lamps, polythene several other religious stuff cause water pollution .
    The deposition of several layers of waste has decreased the depth of the river. Our country should stop people from pouring anything into the river Which is of no use.
    The area in institution where trees are planted should not be cemented

    • Team GD Ideas, May 14, 2018 @ 7:44 am Reply

      Very true! This is one of the main causes. Thank you for your inputs. Will update the article. :)

  • sandip sinha, May 2, 2018 @ 12:21 am Reply

    water crisis :-
    water scarcity in world as well as India is the most growing issue in 21st century.
    when it comes about india ,this situating is deteriorating day by day due to lack of interest to save and expense water resources in an efficient manner.
    scarcity of water may not possible to handle only by innovating sophisticated equipment but the only way is to conserve rainwater efficiently,cut off excessive water requirement on daily basis,saving water resources and encouraging sustainable growth as par with globalization.

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