Why is Norway the world’s happiest country?


Theme :-

  • World’s Happiness Report, 2017 has named Norway as the world’s happiest nation. In 2018’s report, Norway secured second space after Finland.
  • India’s rank in World’s Happiness Report 2018 is 133. By analysing the society of happiest countries, we can learn what we need to change.

Reasons :-

  • In Norway, students are less stressful compared to most of other countries. They have grading system and not marks & percentages. School children are encouraged to learn team spirit, instead of stressful competitive spirit.
  • Norway has one of best education systems in the world. And the best thing is education at all levels including higher education is free in Norway. Almost 1/3rd of the Norwegians are post-graduates.
  • Norway’s prison system is a very successful one. They treat prisons as a reformative places rather than punishment places. Crimes are very low in Norway. Number of second time offenders are also low compared to other countries.
  • Norway is one of the top countries that are allotting high budget to health care. There are 4 doctors and 7 nurses for every 1000 persons in Norway. The average lifetime in Norway is 82 years.
  • Norwegians’ salaries are one of the highest in the world.
  • Oil reserve makes Norway a rich country.
  • Gender gap is very low in Norway.
  • Freedom of expression is respected.

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PhotoLemsipmatt via Flickr under CC 2.0.

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